Hellboy mask
Hellboy, or Anung Un Rama as he was called, was conceived on October 5, 1617, the day his birth-mother Sarah Hughes was on her deathbed. In life, Sarah was a witch. She received her powers from being connected to demon Azzael, a duke of Hell. He is also the biological father of Hellboy. Taking Sarah's body to Hell when she attempted to repent on her death bed within a church, Azzael burned her away so their child would be born and chopped the newborn's right hand off to replace it with the Right Hand of Doom, a relic tied to the Ogdru Jaha. When the other princes of Hell learned of his actions, Azzael sent his half-demon child away while he was stripped of his powers and imprisoned in ice.
- The Hellboy mask is fully head wrapped
- This mask has a universal size and is suitable for adults.
- Hellboy mask is handmade of natural latex.