Time for a slaughter night with Art the Clown mask from the famous cult horror movie 'The Terrifier'!
Beautiful handmade gala eye mask with black and white painting in mime clown style.
This bloody horror mask will turn you into a real killer clown. Trick or treat... or be afraid of the horror clown!
Looking for a Killer clown mask with a little humor? Then the horror fool is your mask!
This mask was made famous thanks to the horror pranks of YouTube!
Turn yourself into a freaky horror clown and chase your terrified victims!
Become a heavy metal legend using this Shawn Crahan mask!
Get into the role of one of Youtube's most famous killer clowns thanks to this creepy mask.
Perhaps the most famous horror clown of all time: Pennywise the clown!
Turn into a real scary clown and scare the crap out of everyone!