Complaints & Warranty
We care about our products and expect to have your products in top condition. However, it sometimes may happen that you are not receiving a product in a the expected state or that is broken when you receive it. We follow the Dutch law in when it comes to service in times of complaints & warranty. Please notify us of a defect as soon as possible after receiving your order or the moment it broke down. Any malfunction that falls within the warranty is being solved by a repair or replacement. This is free of charge.
Any product you buy from us comes with statutory warranty. Legal warranty means that a product functions they way the buyer can reasonably expect it to work.
It may happen that something just does not go the way as planned or the way you would expect. Good service is a top priority to MisterMask. You can send us an email to [email protected] if you have a complaint. Please add your Order number and phone number so that we can help you as fast as possible. You will receive a substantive response from us by email within 14 days of receiving your complaint.
Your complaint is grounded if this is not caused by:
- Damaging on purpose or negligence
- misuse or negligent maintenance
- Normal wear & tear
- Damaging by incorrect or non-use of the product instructions
Are you not satisfied about the complaint handling? Please let us know. Send an email to [email protected]
Returning your product order
You can return your product if the warranty applies. Please use the following address:
Company name:
Street + nr.: Kanaaldijk-Noord 111
Zipcode: 5642 JA
City: Eindhoven
Country: The Netherlands