Decorative Venetian masks
Besides feathermasks, ballmasks, and jokermasks also offers decorative masks. With these decorative Venetian masks one goes a step further. The masks in this category are particulary suitable fort he enrichment of the interior. It is however possible to also wear the masks. By wearing a decorative Venetian mask you can insure yourself that you have an unique mask by which you can distinguish yourself at the Venetian ball and other parties such as the Carnival.
Why a decorative Venetian mask? Originated these masks were worn multiple times per year and for various occasions. So not only fort he Carnival, but alsof or theater and sometimes even in public with no clear reason why. The mask was used to protect the identity of the person wearing it. When you wear a Venetian mask you are namely not recognizable. In this way people could talk to everyone they wanted to at a party and do whatever they want. In the meantime this has become a tradition and anonymity is a side issue. This does not take away that these masks are a real addition to the party!